Friday, 3 December 2021

Yes, you can replace your mug shot on your California driver’s license

Q. A couple of years ago I got Real ID on my driver’s license. The Department of Motor Vehicles guy surprised me when he had me remove my glasses for the photo — I’ve always worn my glasses for my California driver’s license photos. For some stupid reason, my “perplexed” expression came through in the photo and I HATE it. It’s that bad. Am I able to get my photo redone on my card, or am I doomed to forever cower in embarrassment when handing it to someone who needs to see it?

— Dan Eder, Cypress 

A. You can switch out the photo, Dan, but it will cost you a few bucks and some time.

Californians can request a new photo for a driver’s license or a state-issued ID card, a DMV representative assured Honk.

You can apply online for a replacement, pay the fee and head out to a DMV field office to get a new shot of that handsome mug and wait for it to arrive in the mail, with the DMV saying that would take four to six weeks.

If Honk’s abacus is working, this chore, besides the time, will set you back 30 bucks.

Two lawmakers, at different times in recent years, proposed allowing Californians to request the DMV to take an extra photo or two for the driver’s license, at perhaps $5 a pop, so motorists could choose the best one. Those attempts bellied up.


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