Thursday, 25 November 2021

Letters: Redistricting map | Get story out | Rittenhouse verdict | Gerrymandering | Learning science | Positive outlook | Bad taste

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Unincorporated areas
need representation

Since residents in unincorporated areas of Alameda County don’t have mayors or city councils, our only local elected representative is our county supervisor.

It’s vital citizens in our unincorporated areas have more representation and consideration on the five-member Board of Supervisors — not less.

If all unincorporated areas are lumped together (gerrymandered) into one district with just one supervisor to represent our interests, then our supervisor’s vote will be negligible – 1 in 5. Map A is the best choice because it has two supervisors representing the interests of unincorporated areas.

It would be ideal if there could be a map with three supervisors (and their staffs) representing the unincorporated areas. But one supervisor and his/her staff can’t possibly represent the myriad of problems our highly populated unincorporated areas face.

Winifred Thompson and Gerald Thompson
Castro Valley

Getting out the truth
on racial inequity

Your article Nov. 22, “Black former middle school student sues school district,” (Page B1) is a valuable publicity tool that will allow the anonymous student to get the justice he so rightfully deserves.

Black students have to face racial discrimination quite often. Schools should be a comfortable environment for children to learn. Having to face these difficulties in an alleged “safe space” will only add to the racial trauma prevalent in the Black community. The Intercultural Development Research Association states that “Teachers and school administrators often perceive Black children as being older, more aggressive and more culpable, even when they exhibit the same developmentally appropriate behaviors as their White peers.”

I believe that getting stories like the one of this young boy out there will help get people on his side and alert the public of the prejudices that exist within the education system.

Johana Jaimes
San Pablo

Rittenhouse verdict
miscarriage of justice

Only in America can a teen-aged punk travel to another state with an assault rifle strapped around his neck, gun down two unarmed (but “extremely heinous”?) citizens, put forward a claim (complete with exaggerated blubbering) of “self-defense” and be exonerated.

The rest of the world must be laughing. Even the Taliban.

David M. Talley
San Lorenzo

Gerrymandering could
cement Republican rule

Republican gerrymandering is set to virtually guarantee a GOP takeover of the House. Between that and voter suppression, Democrats are at great risk of losing any power they might have to save our democracy, save our climate, protect our civil rights, protect our health care and generally improve the lives of Americans.

It is crucial that the Senate pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act immediately and not let the filibuster get in the way. Sadly, the GOP is now run by lunatics, and the days of effective compromise and negotiation are over. They truly lack decency, as evidenced by most of the GOP’s refusal to condemn Paul Gosar or Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert or Matt Gaetz or Donald Trump for their heinous actions. This cannot and will never be our America.

Evanne Jordan

People ‘trust the science’
without learning it

So many people say things such as “trust the science,” “I believe in science,” “the scientific consensus says…” or, even worse, “the facts speak for themselves.”

Science is not a belief and real scientists certainly don’t want you to trust them. Science is a beautiful thing; if your assumptions are correct and your data is collected without bias you can find the truth or prove something a fact. Our facts have been proven and many will be disproven.

You may believe or trust someone who tells you that he used to dye his hair, but once he shows you a picture you don’t have to trust him anymore, you’ve seen the evidence, it has been proven.

Most people claim to bescientific. Most people read the headline of a news article about an essay written about a study and think they are following science. Most people are wrong. Learn science, don’t trust it.

David Moore

Column gives the gift
of a positive outlook

I love the Talk of the Nation article by Joe Mathews in the Nov. 23 paper (“Nation keeps Californians in its thoughts this Thanksgiving,” Page A6). It is the best holiday gift I received this season. It is uplifting and teaches us to look at things positively.

I thank you and wish you happiness, Mr. Mathews.

Wendy Hsieh

Rittenhouse verdict
leaves bad taste

I write to express my disappointment in the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse in the killing of two people and the wounding of another in Kenosha, Wisc.

I find his claim of self-defense ludicrous. He made the decision to interject himself in a situation in another state which did not concern him, a legal protest, and to that purpose armed himself and drove there where he appeared in public with his rifle. When confronted by people, he panicked and opened fire killing two people.

None of this would have occurred had he not knowingly brought a gun with him as there were no reports of other shots being fired.

Roger Wood

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