The search for a missing boy and his teenage cousin shifted to California after the suspected kidnapper’s car was found in San Clemente.

The California Highway Patrol on Tuesday issued an alert about 3-year-old Noah Clare, last seen on Nov. 5. He is thought to have been abducted by his father, Jacob Clare, 35, with whom he had been staying in Beaver Dam, Kentucky.
Clare was supposed to return Noah to the boy’s mother in Gallatin, Tennessee, on Nov. 7, but they never showed up.
Noah’s 16-year-old cousin, Amber Lynn Clare, who lives in Beaver Dam, is also missing and may be traveling with them.
An advisory on Monday said the Clares might be headed toward Harbor Springs, Michigan, and on Tuesday the alert was extended to Arizona after a reported sighting in Parker, on the Arizona-California line.
Late Tuesday afternoon, Tennessee authorities reported that Jacob Clare’s Subaru Legacy was discovered to have been towed on Saturday from the parking lot of an outlet mall off Interstate 5 in San Clemente.
The alert describes the three:
- Jacob Clare, 6-foot-7, 200 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, tribal tattoos on left arm and shoulder.
- Noah Clare, 3-foot-4, 40 pounds, light brown hair, blue eyes.
- Amber Lynn Clare, 5-foot-7, 140 pounds, dark blond hair, green eyes.
Anyone who sees them is asked to call 911. Information can also be passed along to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-TBI-FIND.
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