An alleged road rage incident on a Northern California highway resulted in a trucker throwing an open bottle of urine into the SUV he had been tailgating, the California Highway Patrol said.
The altercation, on Oct. 27, began on Highway 36 at the east edge of Susanville. Where the two eastbound lanes merge into one, an 18-wheel tractor-trailer had reportedly crowded the SUV, forcing it toward oncoming traffic. The smaller vehicle remained in front, and the truck driver allegedly tailgated it, honking his air horn, for almost three miles.
When the SUV pulled into a left-turn lane at the junction with Highway 395, the trucker allegedly threw an open 24-ounce bottle of urine at it. “Unfortunately,” the CHP report said, “the SUV had its windows rolled down, and the open bottle of urine went into the cabin of the SUV, spraying urine throughout the SUV.”
The SUV’s driver pulled back in behind the truck and followed it while calling 911. A CHP officer pulled over the truck and later submitted an unspecified complaint against its driver.
The CHP report notes that it is common practice among truckers to urinate into plastic bottles and discard these “trucker bombs” on the roadside. “It is a disgusting practice,” the account concludes, “and even worse to think of an open bottle being thrown through your open window.”
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